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HOME » HVAC System » Control Cabinet » CCW-M – Control Cabinet

CCW-M – Control Cabinet

For KW3, KWH and KWT galley hoods

General description

The CCW-M control cabinet has been designed to manage the washing cycles of the hoods equipped with the water wash technology, whether they are combined or not with other technologies like UV-light system or M.A.R.V.E.L..
Each CCW-M control cabinet must be connected to a hot water supply. It is equipped with a detergent tank, connected to an automatic dosing system. The high dosing precision eliminates all risk of overdosing, thus contributing to a better environment. The control cabinet is equipped with a booster pump if the water pressure is not enough to ensure a good washing efficiency.
An LCD touch screen allows an intuitive and efficient interface between the control system and the users. The washing cycles (washing, soaking time and rinsing sequences) are fully automatic and programmable to suit different operating conditions. The washing process can be manually overridden when required. The control system is equipped with the possibility to interface with the Building Management System (BMS).

• One CCW-M control cabinet manage up to 16 hoods
• Designed and manufactured according to USPHS guidelines
